Sustainable Packaging Breakfast Series
The Global Product Stewardship Council, Australian Packaging Covenant and Sustainable Packaging Alliance are bringing together senior executives in packaging sustainability to keep them abreast of current developments, learn from peer experiences and keep sustainability matters and the role of packaging on the company radar. The seminar will demonstrate the business case and benefits for investing in packaging sustainability initiatives and provides an opportunity to network with industry peers.
Friday, 9 December 2011 Hilton Hotel, 488 George St, Sydney
Time: 7.00 – 9.00am Cost: $75 inclusive of breakfast
Presenters and Topics:
David Carter, Director of Environmental Strategy and Sustainability, Lion Pty Ltd
The beverage and packaging industries in Australia have recently hammered out a program to voluntarily fund an additional $20 million per year to increase recycling at home and away from home, while decreasing litter. This is above and beyond contributions to the Australian Packaging Covenant and funding for other industry initiatives. The stakes are high, and timing is especially significant, as the Commonwealth and state governments evaluate the costs and benefits of a range of nation-wide efforts to increase recycling and decrease litter. Be one of the first to hear publicly about the details for program funding and learn how the funding will be spent to deliver meaningful results.
Gigy Philip, National Manufacturing and Packaging Services Manager and
Martin Orzinski, Technical Manager Packaging Services, Coca-Cola Amatil
‘Coke’ is one of the most recognised words in the English language, often second only to ‘okay’. The contour bottle has been an integral part of Coke’s success. As part of its commitment to sustainable development, Coke has led light-weighting and packaging design initiatives from eliminating HDPE base cups to figuring out how to blow mould the iconic contour bottle in PET to producing bio-based polymers on a major scale. These initiatives have provided both commercial benefits as well as contributing to reducing the environmental impacts of packaging. Hear how Coke approaches packaging sustainability, how it integrates this with other corporate goals and, the flow-on to its global supply chain partners.
Additional information and registration details available here.