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Tyre Stewardship Australia

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Tyre Stewardship Australia is an ACCC-approved industry cooperative scheme, established with State and Federal Government support, focussed on increasing the sustainable management of the over 56 million end-of-life tyres (EOLTs) that Australia generates each year.

TSA are delivering an accreditation scheme, targeted education and market development funding. The TSA Market Development Fund has committed several million dollars with the aim to increase the utilisation of tyre-derived product through the creation of new end-use products and markets. It has also recently introduced a demonstration and infrastructure funding stream to fund real-world demonstration of research validated projects that aim to verify the commercial viability of new tyre-derived products and consume substantial quantities of tyres.

TSA also provides access to accredited sources for new tyres and end destinations for a problematic waste stream. Since its 2013 inception, TSA has established an accreditation and reporting scheme that has over 1,500 accredited tyre stores covering many retail groups, and accredited recyclers who handle more than 80% of the available EOLTs managed in Australia providing sound destinations for EOLTs collected.

In support of that scheme, a comprehensive public education program has generated over 1 million unique visits to the website and many thousands of searches for accredited tyre retailers.

Join the TSA free as a participant and continue the drive for a circular economy.

Apply online at au or contact TSA via email at


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