Industry-led Stewardship Scheme Approved for Australia
The Australian Competition and Consumer Commission (ACCC) has on 4 September granted the two authorisations necessary for the implementation of an industry-led stewardship scheme for batteries.
The ACCC approved a levy on battery imports and a system of rebates to accredited collectors and recyclers who will have to meet safety and fire standards.
Australia imports over 900 million Equivalent Battery Units, (i.e. equivalent to a small AA battery) each year. The recycling rate for end of life batteries in Australia is only 10%, compared to rates of over 70% in some countries.
CEO of the Battery Stewardship Council, Ms Libby Chaplin, said “The leveraging model which is at the core of the Scheme is designed to support existing and new Australian businesses and community organisations that are involved in the safe collection, sorting and processing of batteries. Our aim is to increase recycling and improve safety whilst encouraging innovation in the supply chain.”
The scheme has been designed to complement and support other Australian stewardship schemes for electronics such as MobileMuster and the National Television and Computer Recycling Scheme, and is due to be implemented in the second half of 2021 in line with the aim of the National Waste Policy Action Plan
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